Our mission is to ensure the generation of accurate and precise findings.

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Our Repository

Our company is one of the biggest in the world and is well-known for its biorepository services. We have the knowledge and experience to handle and maintain your priceless BioSamples because we have an extensive collection of 500,000 samples under our careful administration. Over the course of two decades, our committed staff has perfected the art of biobanking, bioprocessing, and analytics, assuring the utmost care and accuracy in every facet of our operations.

The Repository of CBRS seeks to help researchers locate bio specimen and data repositories by developing a searchable online directory of repository information. Additionally, our Repository works to increase the awareness of research and biobanking initiatives supported by individual repositories among key international stakeholders like research organizations, governments, consortia, funding authorities, and the corporate sector.


The CBRS Biobank Repository is a well-known choice for a wide variety of biospecimen storage requirements. Modern freezers that have been methodically built and maintained to provide the biospecimens with the best storage conditions are available at our facility.

Our devoted team makes sure that the biospecimens are stored at specific temperatures, protecting their integrity and viability, with the highest care and respect to strict quality standards. This makes it possible for researchers from all around the world to use our repository with confidence and easily get the biospecimens they need for their research. Our publicly available collection of biospecimens includes a variety of sample types, such as tissues, blood, and physiological fluids, all of which have been meticulously categorized and arranged for quick retrieval.

Our extensive database is user-friendly, allowing researchers to quickly find the precise biospecimens they require to enhance their scientific inquiries.

We take great satisfaction in our dedication to supporting the global efforts in medical research by giving researchers dependable access to high-quality biospecimens. We strive to expedite advancement in a variety of scientific domains by facilitating ground-breaking discoveries with our well-maintained freezers and a large collection of biospecimens.

By utilizing our repository, researchers can confidently explore new areas of scientific research since they know they can rely on our biobank for all of their biospecimen requirements.

Our Inventory

We take great satisfaction in being known as one of the largest repositories in the nation and having established a strong global presence as a leading global provider of biorepository services. We have amassed a sizable collection of more than 500,000 samples and have developed unmatched competence in protecting and maintaining priceless biosamples. Our committed team has been working relentlessly for the past 5 years to improve the art and science of biobanking, bioprocessing, and analytics. We have refined our procedures, methods, and quality standards via continuous development to guarantee the highest level of dependability and integrity for the biosamples entrusted to our care. You can trust that your biosamples are in capable hands when you choose us. Our consistent dedication to excellence ensures their best preservation and accessibility for upcoming study projects.

Our clients receive a complete and flexible storage solution from us thanks to the combination of our physical and cloud-based storage capabilities. Whether you want on-site biospecimen storage or the ease of cloud-based storage, we have the infrastructure and knowledge to match your particular requirements.


Our facilities can store a wide array of biosamples including (we are adding more)

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We provide perfect temperatures of storage environments as

There are several aspects to consider when storing samples, such as sample traceability, laboratory equipment, and storage temperature. We discuss the different storage temperatures, short- and long-term storage of samples, which lab equipment is useful at which temperatures, and which vessel sizes to consider.


Based on how long the sample needs to be stored and what kind of sample you are keeping, it is essential to know at which temperature the sample will best be preserved. The Whole blood samples are stored at ambient temperature in the freezer (-20°C), in the ultra-low freezer (-80°C), and in cryo tanks-Liquid Nitrogen (-190°C and below). Most long-term storage happens in the ultra-low freezer or cryo tank. The other options are used for short-term storage. Exceptions can be made when, for example, tissue is preserved in a fixative solution like paraffin wax.

Depending on the sample, it can be stored at ambient temperature (+20°C), in the refrigerator (+4°C), in the freezer (-20°C), in the ultra-low freezer (-80°C), or in cryo tanks (-190°C and below).

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Storage in Data

Our rigorous protocols ensure the organization and maintenance of data integrity with meticulous attention to detail. Streamlined processes make it possible for us to store valuable research findings and test data efficiently and securely. We demonstrate our unwavering commitment to comprehensive data management and preservation by prioritizing accurate data storage. By relying on the accuracy and availability of their data, researchers and scientists are able to gain meaningful insights and make informed decisions.

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Client Integration and data management

At CBRS, we fully understand the importance of seamless customer integration and as a result, we offer advanced solutions to facilitate effective communication and data management. By creating application programming interfaces (APIs), we create direct communication channels between our information systems and customers. So, once their sample is analyzed or processed, our systems automatically generate real-time notifications that give customers instant updates on the progress of their samples. This level of transparency and assurance ensures that samples are processed and stored within the agreed time frame. In addition, we provide data feeds to clients that deliver summary test results or store data directly to them. These data streams provide full transparency and allow customers to stay informed about their sample results and specific registration data.

LIMS and Cloud System

For customers who prefer cloud-based storage solutions, especially those who process clinical data, we have a robust and secure cloud system. This allows us to store data and create custom dashboards that provide customers with advanced information about the status of samples throughout their processing and storage lifecycle. With these interactive dashboards, we provide end-to-end visibility and transparency, allowing customers to gain a complete understanding of the progress and status of their samples.

We understand the importance of flexibility in data management, especially when it comes to sample expiration or sample disqualification, with our laboratory data management system and LIMS and cloud systems are designed to automatically email customers when sample data is deleted. This proactive approach gives customers peace of mind and ensures that their data has been processed and removed from our systems according to their requirements.

For these customer-centric solutions, we prioritize effective communication, transparency and flexibility. Our goal is to equip customers with the tools and information they need to stay informed and make informed decisions about their samples and data, ensuring a seamless and reliable experience throughout their collaboration.

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